• laundry room counter tops
    • We recently had to get a new washer and dryer and unfortunately companies no longer make large capacitiy washer dryers that fit under standard countertops (36in). I don’t really understand why because if you open up them up it looks like there’s plenty of room inside to lose a couple of inches. Anyway, the result of this is that we had to rethink how we wanted to organize the laundry room and re-do the counter existing counter tops for the new layout. We have a rough plan now for what we want and we’ll just need to start getting things together.
  • Garage organization
    • This has been a long work in progress, from purchasing our first home to setting up my first shop both have resulted in accumulating a lot more stuff than we’re used to (we lived in small (<600sqft) apartments up until now). We suddenly have a lot of open space, alot of different spaces, and a lot of new tools, cleaners, and wants for making spaces useful. Combine that with full time jobs and fostering twins this has been slow going. For the garage there are a few things still in the works that need finishing up.
      • Complete drawers for workbench.
      • clean up tools to drawers.
      • build wall hangers for larger tools, saw tracks, saws, drills etc.
      • organize lawn and snow equipment.
  • Fireplace
    • Our living room was one of the primary reasons we purchased our home and is by far where we spend most of our time. The fireplace is a focal point of the room and during the winter gets regular use. The fireplace has a rumford design which means it’s harder to find accecories for it such as doors, grates, air-intake kits etc. The fireplace works really well and warms our quiet large living room suprisingly well but long term want a few improvements.
      1. screen door that completely covers the firebox.
      2. Cast iron or steel fireback to reduce the re-finishing needed from drying mortar.
      3. Air in take that is easy to adjust, ideally without getting a hand full of soot and while the fire is going.
  • painting and wall paper
    • There are some rooms that are dated and not to our preference. We’ve already dealt with the more jarring rooms but longer term we want to make each space our own. C’s going to tackle our front bathroom which has pink tile.
  • kitchen floors and counter tops
    • This is probably a ways off still and a much bigger project, but we’d like to harmonize our kitchen and living room flooring and change the kitchen counter top to a green slate we saw in one of the houses we toured while looking to buy. The flooring in the kitchen is apparently the most common linoleum floor pattern since the 50s. Its fine, but it doesn’t go with our living room floor which is a warm southern yellow pine. It’s doubly weird that is also doesn’t go with the rest of the first floor flooring which is a terracotta like tile, that I like.
    • General kitchen organization and perferences. We’ve been working on this since we moved in but is taking a lot longer to work into our routines. Coming from always living in or near a downtown of a major city we’ve always ate out more than cooked out selves. Downtowns typically have a lot of cheap or affordable places to eat, and are rather sparse on grocery stores or markets with good produce. But we’ve been cooking a lot more and we have a few regular dishes each week, but msotly we’re still exploring new meals. We’ve made a first pass at reorganizing things now that we’ve been cooking and using the kitchen for a year-ish. We’ve grouped some things to make our kitchen workflow a bit smoother but this still needs more work. Spices, measuring, and cutting board access is one I think we need to spend more tiem thinking about and probably making changes to better accomodate our workflow.
  • Dining table
    • After our bed frame I intended our next project to be our dining table and a small activity table for a corner in our living room. I’ve been looking at board game style tables, with a hidden play mat under removable slats. and possibly an accessory railing around its edge and supporting arches for its legs. And a matching smaller table for the living room.